El presente catálogo supone una representación ejemplificativa de los productos fabricados por la empresa y es posible que los productos que se entreguen, finalmente, al comprador no coincidan, de forma exacta, en su apariencia, a la muestra representativa que se refleja en este catálogo. Esto es debido a que, por las propias características y naturaleza de los productos comercializados por nuestra empresa, que tienen su base en material biológico real, es habitual que existan ciertas diferencias en la apariencia de los productos finales, presentándose particularidades en las características del producto, como puede ser su tamaño, color o morfología, de manera que, en la práctica, es poco probable que existan productos idénticos.Por esta razón, se deja constancia expresa de que el presente catálogo, y los productos que en el mismo se muestran, no constituye una oferta comercial vinculante en relación con el resultado del producto final que se entregue al comprador que, por las razones expuestas, tendrá ciertas características propias en cada caso.
Feline digestive (with rectus but tongueless)
Canine elbow joint with some flexibility
Bovine carpus joint with some flexibility
Swine uterus with oviducts, ovaries, vagina and urinary bladder
Swine uterus with oviducts and ovaries
Swine jejunum
Swine ascendent colon and caecum
Swine foetus with placenta (membranes opened)
Swine male reproductive tract: penis (root, body and glans), glans, genital and urine bladder
Ovine Stifle joint
Ovine male genital accesory with glands and urinary bladder
Feline brain
Feline heart
Equine shoulder
Equine middle finger
Equine carpus joint with some flexibility
Equine jejunum
Equine Penis (root, corps and glans)
Equine foetus with placenta (membranes opened)
Caprine pelvic limb dissection (leg) with some flexibility
Caprine Foetus with placenta
Canine abdomen plus female pelvis
Bovine kidney saggital half
Bovine male genital accesory glands with urinary bladder
Bovine penis (root, body and glands and urinary bladder)
Bovine complete female reproductive tact
Ovine kidney with renal artery, vein and ureter
Swine caecum
Ovine pelvic limb dissection (leg) with some flexibility
Ovine testicle
Ovine brain
Ovine heart
Ovine female reproductive tract with urethra and urinary bladder
Equine tarsus joint with some flexibility
Equine dissection from distal antebrachium with nerves and arteries
Equine hip joint with some flexibility
Equine pregnant uterus (with ovaries and oviducts)
Equine uterus with oviducts, ovaries, vagina and urinary bladder
Equine half larynx and partly hyoid
Bovine tarsus joint with some flexibility
Canine brain sagitally sectioned
Canine. Printed stifle section for negatoscope view
Canine. Printed elbow section for negatoscope view
Equine forelimb transversally sectioned (1.5 cm section)
Canine stomach (with part of oesophagus and duodenum)
Swine foetus
Swine kidney sagittally sectioned (3-4 mm section)
Swine half foetus sagittally sectioned
Equine heart with or without dissection
Equine digit combining sagittal and transversal sections
Equine elbow joint with some flexibility
Equine foot dissection of ligaments
Equine foot dissection of tendons, ligaments, vessels and nerves
Equine forelimb dissection of forearm and foot with nerves and arteries
Equine pelvic limb dissection of leg and foot with nerves and arteries
Equine stifle joint with some flexibility
Canine heart with or without dissection
Canine half heart (sagittal, horizontal or transversal section)
Canine cardiopulmonar block prepared for broncoschoscopy
Canine larynx and hyoid
Canine lungs and heart corrosion (bronchial tree and pulmonary vessels)
Canine complete gastrointestinal tract
Canine complete organic block
Canine liver
Canine stomach
Canine forelimb dissection partially with some extrinsic muscles
Canine pelvic limb dissection partially including sublumbar muscles
Canine elbow joint sagittal serial sections (3-4 mm)
Canine stifle joint sagittal serial sections 3-4 mm
Canine kidney with renal artery, vein and ureter
Canine kidney, half sagittal section
Canine thoracic cavity dissection
Canine half head sagittal section with facial dissection and medial side showing pharynx and larynx
Canine head serial transversal sections 2-3 cm
Canine brain
Canine brain with arteries
Canine lumbosacral laminectomy of the verterbral column showing cauda equina and some nerves
Canine male dissection of the pelvic cavity and external genitalia
Canine female dissection of the pelvic cavity and external genitalia
Canine male dissection of the pelvic cavity and external genitalia and pelvic limb
Canine female dissection of the pelvic cavity and external genitalia and pelvic limb
Canine. Printed shoulder section for negatoscope view
Canine brain transversally sectioned (1,5cm section)
Bovine heart with or without dissection
Bovine half heart (sagittal, horizontal or transversal section)
Bovine stomach
Bovine liver
Bovine foetus with placenta (membranes opened)
Bovine elbow joint with some flexibility
Bovine digits with extensor and flexor tendons and interoseus ligament
Bovine pelvic limb dissection of leg and foot with nerves and arteries
Bovine forelimb dissection of forearm and foot with nerves and arteries
Bovine stifle with some flexibility
Bovine. Complete female reproductive tract with urethra, urinary bladder and vulva
Bovine penis (root, body and glans)
Bovine testicle
Bovine uterus with oviducts, ovaries, vagina and urinary bladder
Bovine brain
Bovine brain serial horizontal sections 3-4 mm thick (8-10 sections)
Bovine brain serial sagittal sections 3-4 mm thick (8-10 sections)
Bovine brain serial transversal sections 3-4 mm thick (8-10 sections)
Bovine kidney with renal artery, vein and ureter
Canine. Printed spine section for negatoscope view
Swine heart with or without dissection
Swine half heart (sagittal, horizontal or transversal section)
Swine Stomach
Swine liver
Swine foetus with placenta (membranes opened)
Swine female reproductive tract with urethra and urinary bladder
Swine male genital accesory glands with urinary bladder
Swine penis (body and glans)
Swine testicle
Swine kidney, half sagittal section
Swine kidney with renal artery, vein and ureter
Ovine Stomach with opened areas
Caprine/Ovine half head sagittal section with facial dissection and medial side showing pharynx and larynx
Equine kidney with renal artery, vein and ureter
Equine kidney, half sagittal section
Ovine penis (Body and glans)
Ovine flexible lungs
Ovine cardiopulmonar block prepared for broncoschoscopy
Ovine bronchial tree
Canine stifle joint
Canine lungs corrosion (bronchial tree)
Canine head sagittal serial sections 3-4 mm
Bovine half brain
Equinea larynx and partly hyoid
Caprine stifle joint
Fish ventral dissection
Bovine brain horizontally sectioned (1.5 cm section)
Bovine brain sagittally sectioned (1.5 cm section)
Bovine brain transversally sectioned (1.5 cm section)
Equine. Printed digit section for negatoscope view
Equine penis (body and glans)
Equine uterus, oviducts and ovaries
Equine testicle (stallion or foal)
Equine male reproductive tract displayed on pelvis
Equine. Complete female reproductive tract with urethra, urinary bladder and vulva
Equine ascendent colon and ceacum (dilated)
Equine half head sagittal section with facial dissection and medial side showing pharynx and larynx
Equine stomach
Equine half heart (sagittal, horizontal or transversal section)